Mine Waste Management

Mine Waste Management was founded in 2018 with offices now in Australia and New Zealand. ... Geochemical services have been provided for a diverse range of commodities including iron ore, coal, copper, nickel, gold, uranium, and zinc. Mine Waste Management's key service areas are: Operational Geochemistry Support; Practical …

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Kittila Mine heat recycling program boosts energy savings, …

Kittila mine's heat recovery helps reduce its energy needs and costs. Since 2014, Kittila Mine has been successfully recycling the waste heat it recovers from its plants and processes to help reduce the mine's overall energy needs and costs. Not only have these actions delivered savings to its bottom line, they have progressively reduced the mining …

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Related services for gold projects › Mine development › Tailings and waste management › Cyanide detoxification › Heavy metals removal › Design of tailings, pipelines, dams, storage ponds › Tailings handling and paste backfill facilities › Water management › Effluents treatment › Environment and social assessments. Geography and climate experience

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Agnico-Eagle pours first gold at Kittila mine

Toronto-based gold-miner Agnico-Eagle Mines poured the first gold this week at its new Kittila mine, in Finland, and has another two operations still on the way this year, vice-chairperson and CEO ...

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Fimpec holds main implementer responsibilities for the …

Agnico Eagle Finland Oy's Kittilä mine is Europe's largest gold mine. The Päätaso 900 project is already under way and will result in the construction of a new main level in the mine by 2023. The main level will allow for the utilisation of rich gold deposits at a deeper level, and according to current estimations, will extend the mine ...

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Exploring An Alternative Approach To Mine Waste …

Keywords: gold tailings, mine waste management, mine waste reuse Introduction Despite the gold industry's contribution to the national economy, the industry has been plagued by labour disputes and is widely criticized for its negative impacts on the surrounding environment and local com-

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Global Business Reports

Ikkari is like mining the whole city block, because the intercepts are up to 150 m wide. That means the amount of waste you have to move is a lot lower, plus it also occurs very near to the surface. Most importantly, the waste products it generates are not complicated, so waste management costs and long-term environmental impacts look to …

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Kittila Gold Mine

This is the Kittila Mine Licence area. It is registered in the name of Agnico-Eagle AB as indicated on the Government of Finland land tenure records. Agnico-Eagle AB is a wholly owned subsidiary of Agnico-Eagle Mines Limited, based in Toronto, Canada. The Kittila open-pit and underground gold mine and processing plant has been in production since …

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Agnico-Eagle's Kittila Gold Mine Certified Under the …

The International Cyanide Management Institute (ICMI) announced today that Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd's Kittila Gold Mine in Finland has been certified in full compliance with the International Cyanide Management Code (Cyanide Code).

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Sattapora-Kittila Gold Mine In Lapland, Finland

Gold mining deposit report for "Deposit #Usgs10231265" (#USGS10231265) in Lapland, Finland. ... Lapland, Finland. 67.6653°N 24.8368°E Overview Gold ; Location 1 Aliquots; Owners 1 Records; Mine Overview. The Sattapora-Kittila Gold Mine is located in the scenic region of Lapland, Finland. This gold mine operates as a surface mining …

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Hydrogeological and Geochemical Modelling Study for the …

Type: Article. SRK was commissioned by Agnico Eagle in 2019 to undertake hydrogeological and geochemical modelling of the Kittilä gold mine in Finnish Lapland. …

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Environmental risk assessment practices and …

Long-term environmental impacts of gold mining and the suitability of new field equipment to monitor contaminant behaviour in recipient waterways were studied at two contrasting European gold …

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Agnico Eagle Mines Limited

Located in the Lapland region of northern Finland, approximately 900 km north of Helsinki and 150 km north of the Arctic Circle, the Kittila mine is the largest primary gold producer in Europe. Kittila achieved commercial production on May 1, 2009, becoming Agnico Eagle's first mine outside of Canada. Since open-pit mining was …

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(PDF) Kittilä Gold Mine dewatering assessment: benefits of a …

Lappeenranta, Finland Mine Water and Circular Economy IMWA 2017 Kittilä Gold Mine dewatering assessment: benefits of a new approach Päivi Picken1, Tuomo Karvonen2, …

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Hydrogeological and Geochemical Modelling Study for the Kittilä Mine …

SRK was commissioned by Agnico Eagle in 2019 to undertake hydrogeological and geochemical modelling of the Kittilä gold mine in Finnish Lapland. The purpose of the study was to predict future inflows to the underground mine as well as the quality and chemical loading of discharges produced by the operation to assess whether there is …

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Major Mines & Projects | Kittila Mine

The Porkonen Formation hosts the Kittila gold deposit, which contains multiple mineralized zones stretching over a strike length of more than 25 kilometres. Most of the work at the Kittila mine has been focused on the 4.5 kilometre stretch that hosts the known gold in mineral reserves and mineral resources.

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Leakage in Kittilä gold mine termed serious | business

Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd operated Kittila mine. File Photo – Lehtikuva. The situation in the Kittilä gold mine is serious due to incident of tailing pond leakage, said Eira Luokkanen, the head of environmental protection unit at the Lapland ELY Centre. ... Preventing the collapse of the waste dam will be done by draining excess water through ...

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Kittila Mine heat recycling program boosts energy …

Kittila mine's heat recovery helps reduce its energy needs and costs. Since 2014, Kittila Mine has been successfully recycling the waste heat it recovers from its plants and processes to help reduce the mine's overall …

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Agnico Eagle already thinking about further growth at Kittila

Gold miner Agnico Eagle's Kittila mining operation, in Finland, has recently received the permit for expanding its processing facility to two-million tonnes a year and CEO Sean Boyd has said ...

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New shaft will extend EU's largest gold mine to 2035

The biggest gold mine in the European Union is getting a new ... Image of the Kittila underground mine in Finland courtesy of Agnico Eagle Mines Limited. ... (2.0 mtpa of ore and 0.7 mtpa of waste ...

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Mine Environment Management

We support and actively engage in world-leading research and development in the areas of mine site geochemistry, mine waste management and water treatment. Our close …

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Waste Management in the Scope of a Gold Mine Project

Waste Management in the Scope of a Gold Mine Project Vila, 1,2,*M. C., Fernandes, 1A., Dinis, M. L.1,2, Futuro, A.1,2 and Fiúza, A.1,2 ... In mining industry, waste management is a key issue since it starts in the conceptual project phase and lasts beyond the mine closure. Tailings and rock wastes have gained

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Fosterville Gold Mine

FGM is located on mining lease MIN5404, about 20km northeast of the city of Bendigo in Victoria, Australia, between the rural towns of Goornong (to the north) and Axedale (to the south). The Sustained Operations Project will allow for the continuation of existing gold mining operations at Fosterville Gold Mine for at least the next 10 years.

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Counties seek shared solutions to address waste management …

"The biggest challenge we have as county governments is that we are dealing with a society that does not know how to manage waste," he said. The conference, organised by TakaTaka Ni Mali, ALN Kenya, FlipFlopi, and the East African Business Council, provided a platform to discuss sustainable waste management strategies and …

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Sustainability and Mine Waste Management – A …

Dr G M Mudd Sustainability and Mine Waste Management – A Snapshot of Mining Waste Issues 2 1 INTRODUCTION ... recognised for global gold mining (Mudd, 2007b). This means moving more ore for a given production – or with continually expanding production – an ever-increasing amount of ore. Following processing

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The new norm for gold miners and how change in mine waste management

Download Citation | On Jan 1, 2023, Ibrahim Karajeh published The new norm for gold miners and how change in mine waste management could help | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ...

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Environmental risk assessment practices and applications for gold mines …

Long-term environmental impacts of gold mining and the suitability of new field equipment to monitor contaminant behaviour in recipient waterways were studied at two contrasting European gold mine ...

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sbm kittila gold mine waste management.md

Contribute to chengxinjia/sbm development by creating an account on GitHub.

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Waste management at the mines

Proper waste management can promote the sustainability of nature and the environment. Mine owners are encouraged to consider investing in new sustainable mining methods that minimize waste outputs. It is also important that they be educated or rather enlightened on some of the consequences of poor mining practices.

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The Kittila mine in northern Finland is the largest primary gold producer in Europe, and it hosts the Company's largest mineral reserves. Kittila achieved commercial production on May 1, 2009, becoming Agnico Eagle's first mine to open outside of Canada. Since open-pit mining was completed in 2012, Kittila has been an underground-only …

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