CSR and local conflicts in African mining communities

CSR typically refers to a set of voluntary actions to mitigate the negative environmental and social impact of mining or to improve the social and economic well-being of populations living close to where mining companies operate (Campbell, 2012, Frederiksen, 2018).These measures can involve investments in public services and …

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responsible mining, resilient communities We are an interdisciplinary, multi-institution, and global research collaboration funded by the US National Science Foundation. We co-design socially responsible and sustainable mining practices with communities, engineers, and social scientists.

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CSR and local conflicts in African mining communities

Our analysis contributes to a contemporary literature in political economy that documents the ways in which mining companies enter and influence Indigenous communities, elucidating the role of ...

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Health impacts of industrial mining on surrounding communities …

Industrial mining projects can play an important role in global sustainable development if associated health risks are minimised and opportunities maximised. While a broad body of evidence from quantitative studies exists that establishes the interlinkages between mining operations and effects on public health, little research has been …

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Evidence of the impacts of metal mining and the …

Monitoring and evaluation of impact assessments are large gaps in mining legislation and research, and this should be addressed with a clear demand for impact …

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Mining and Environmental Health Disparities in Native American Communities

While the fights over RECA proceeded, people living in Navajo communities continued to be chronically exposed to waste from the 520 abandoned uranium mines, 4 abandoned uranium mills, and more than 1100 waste sites in and proximal to their communities. Uranium mine waste presents a unique hazard resulting from the …

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The Status of the Local Community in Mining …

The sustainable development of mining projects for local communities not only requires the balance of economic, environmental, and social aspects. The proposed scope of mining sustainability is …

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The effects of sand mining on rural communities …

Therefore, the importance of mining governance and collaboration between actors both local communities, nagari officials, local governments and private parties involved in sand, stone and gravel ...

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(PDF) Mining and Communities: Understanding the Context …

Mining has been entangled with the development of communities in all continents since the beginning of large-scale resource extraction. It has brought great wealth and prosperity, as well as great ...

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The author reflects upon his experience in conducting research on the articulation of both traditional social networks and new virtual networks in six rural communities in Peru, using both case ...

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Research: Responsible Mining, Resilient Communities

Research: Responsible Mining, Resilient Communities. Background and Objective: Contributing 12-15% of the world's gold supply, artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) is an important sector of the mining industry characterized by informality, lower production rates than large-scale mining, and little to no mechanization of the mining ...

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Mining Communities from a Resilience Perspective: …

This paper applies the resilience lens to a social–ecological system characterized by the presence of large-scale mineral extraction operations. The system in question is the Brazilian community of Itabira, Minas Gerais, host to an iron ore operation of Vale, the world's second largest mining corporation. Utilizing a resilience assessment …

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Fostering community-company engagement to address …

The use of the Mine Site Assessment Tool in Ghana In 2018, following requests from mining-affected stakeholders for a simple-to-use tool to assess local mining operations, RMF produced the first version of the Mine Site Assessment Tool (MSAT) as a free public good. The survey-type Tool is designed to be used as an entry

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Navigating community transitions away from mining

Fig. 2: Three-step approach to community transition away from mining. The approach places an emphasis on fostering multi-stakeholder engagement and wider …

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Mining Communities from a Resilience Perspective

Through the analysis of the ecological vulnerability research of mining areas in the past five years in 2014 to 2019, it is found that the relevant research results are only 43 (Search for web of ...

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(PDF) Sustainable Development in Mining Communities: …

Achieving the SDGs will require collaboration between multiple mining companies, local government authorities, civil society and communities, and significant urgent interventions on education and ...

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Land Use Challenges in Mining Communities

PDF | On May 1, 2019, Theresa Y. Baah-Ennumh and others published Land Use Challenges in Mining Communities – The Case of Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipality | Find, read and cite all the research you ...

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Barriers to local community participation in mining projects: …

Mining activities pose high risks to the environment and are commonly associated with having a negative social impact on local communities (Saes and …

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Conflicts between mining companies and …

Although companies recognize the importance of social responsibility and community engagement, conflicts between companies and communities have been noticeably increasing.

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Understanding the impacts of mining on local environments …

In response to the urgent environmental and social challenges posed by mining operations, this paper introduces the Mining Area Sustainability Index (MASI), a …

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Corruption Watch launches Best Practice Guideline on …

COMMUNITY COMPLEXITY One of the key challenges faced by mining companies in determining the appropriate structures for engagement is the complexity of defining communities in South Africa. Mining ...

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Mining companies and communities: Collaborative approaches to reduce

However, in others, if communities can work with mining companies to identify points of intersection between the needs of the regions that host mining operations and the needs of the company, there may be opportunities for both parties to benefit: communities can access mining's financial resources, convening power and technical …

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Modernization of Nigeria's Mining Industry: The Case for …

Download Citation | Modernization of Nigeria's Mining Industry: The Case for Participation and Sustainable Development of Local Communities | To retract from its overdependence on crude oil ...

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Journal of Civil Engineering Research & Technology

impact of mining on local communities [8]. There are several other social impacts of mining on local communities that have been discussed in the review by [23]. Sierra Leone stands out for its rich mineral resource endowment [12]. There has been a massive investment boom in the mining sector of Sierra Leone over the years, although slowed …

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Review of Environmental and Health Impacts of Mining in …

History of Mining in Ghana. There is evidence of gold extraction activities in Ghana as far back as the 7th and 8th centuries A.D., as gold deposits attracted Arab traders into the country.7 These activities were strategically located along rivers where sediments believed to contain deposits of gold were washed constantly to separate the gold …

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Socioeconomic Impact of Mining on Local Communities in …

The aim of the research is to assess whether local communities benefit from mining activity or not. The empirical approach builds on the earlier studies that used quas i-experimental

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Health & Environmental Research Online (HERO)

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ISSN: 1661-7827 EISSN: 1660-4601 Publisher. MDPI Location. BASEL Volume. 12 ... The study assessed levels of heavy metals in drinking water sources in two small-scale mining communities (Nangodi and Tinga) in northern Ghana. Seventy-two (72) water samples were collected …

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Health impacts of industrial mining on …

Industrial mining projects can play an important role in global sustainable development if associated health risks are minimised and opportunities maximised. While a broad body of evidence from …

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(PDF) Mining and Arctic Communities

Nonetheless, some Indigenous communities in Australia have shown support for mining operations as a means to reduce poverty and to enhance livelihood opportunities if appropriate frameworks are ...

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When extractives come home: An action research on t …

When extractives come home: An action research on t he impact of the extractives sector on women in selected mining communities in Zimbabwe Kudzai Chatiza a, Davison Muchadenyka b Dorcas Makaza c Fanny Nyaunga d, Ronnie James Murungu e Lillian Matsika f a,b,c Development Governance Institute, Zimbabwe. d Independent …

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